My Vision by Kaye Cooper
My Vision for the organization we are forming is that it be a fluid, creative group of women and men who are known for the way that they relate to each other and to all others. An organic way of functioning has been growing in my mind. I am ready to describe it in a concise, clear statement:
Our Way
- Our approach is to explore with each other rather than compete.
- Our attitude is to respect and support each other rather than criticize.
- Our process is actively to seek the spirit’s guidance rather than to refuse aid and support, insisting on independence.
- Our commitment is to act on the spirit’s guidance rather than to fear ridicule or rejection.
I am convinced that this is worthy of our personal prayer: that each of us learn consistently to relate in this way. That our loving relationships will exude spiritual fragrance. That those we touch will be influenced to choose this way as well.
If the Urantia Movement lives and relates in this way, respect and power (in the best sense of the word) will flow to women as equal partners in the great adventure of this revelation.
Let us lead the way by living a spirit-led life together.